Here is the product of my infection with others mad affection for fairy - making.....
miejsce to nie było od początku poświęcone komiksom, ale teraz mam fazę na komiksy...być może za 2 lata zacznę pisać o pomidorach lub klockach drewnianych, ale dzisiaj na topie są X-Men, Avengers, Batman, Superman....superbohaterowie wracają do mnie falami co jakiś czas....
1 komentarz:
I have been playing AD&D for 25 years. I know I'm the ultimate nerd. Whatever, it's a great break from reality. Anyway, I have read the War of the Spider Queen series, and I think that it is possibly the most accurate dipiction of drow society in print. R.A. Salvatore is a genius. He basically created the drow (with the help of Gary E. Gygax). I love them. They are sooooooo twisted that it's awesome. My DM allows us to play EVIL characters. It's so fun to be able to do what you want (until the city guard show up).
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